Background of 3 swans on a lake at the cusp of dusk or dawn, that is an unknown among many other things of th universe.  The hues go from blue to indigo to purple to pink.

Welcome to the haus

Friday, 25 March 2016

Coming Back Soon w/ Loads of Content + Twitter

focus your ears

1 min read

  」 A More Frequent Dosage of Buddha in da haus 「

What twitter has supplemented
Photo: monsieurlui CC 2.0 Generic

『   Apologies for the severe lack of posts.  It's been a very hectic March here for Buddha in da haus where we're revamping a multitude of things - like the new website we're rolling out.  ;)  If you want a more consistent feed of all things in the style of the aesthetes here @ the haus then check out our twitter account.  Where daily commentary on everything (primarily the American 2016/17 election cycle) that this planet gushes out of it's orifices is sung by little birds in one hundred forty characters or less.  Don't miss out on quips like these:

Buddha in da haus twitter

& lastly, to end with a quote that best reflects the mood of the collective right now.  』

_ quote _

『   The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep.
- Robert Frost.  

_ quote _

// Post Complete


  1. Hurry up with your political coverage man!

  2. Ik wil hun mening horen over Trump, nu
